
Brigadeiro.Finance BRIGADEIRO

BNB Chain:0x5B69...3285
(24h: +0.00%)
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Quick Info

Welcome to Brigadeiro.Finance. A Charitable Yield-Generating Crypto. Help us save children and give them wonderful experiences with Brigadeiro.Finance. 5% of Total Supply + Rewards is set-up for Charity. 5% Dev Wallet for Marketing and Growth of the Token. 10% tax on transactions. 6% reflected back to holders. 4% sent directly to burn address. Burn address does not receive reflections. 1% max of supply in one transaction.

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Key Metrics

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Volume (24h)
Market Cap
Fully Diluted Market Cap
Circulating Supply
62,862,274,216T BRIGADEIRO
Total Supply
100,000,000,000T BRIGADEIRO
Trading Start
4 years ago

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About Brigadeiro.Finance


What is the price of Brigadeiro.Finance today?

One Brigadeiro.Finance coin can currently be purchased for approximately <$0.000000000001.

What is Brigadeiro.Finance smart contract address?

Brigadeiro.Finance official smart contract address is 0x5B69eAbF1c748F590F60906D964158DBA0F53285.

What is Brigadeiro.Finance official website?

The official website of Brigadeiro.Finance is

What is the Brigadeiro.Finance Market Cap today?

Brigadeiro.Finance Market Cap is $32,116.16 today.

How much money is in Brigadeiro.Finance Liquidity Pool?

There is $5,670.85 in - Brigadeiro.Finance liquidity pools. That's approximately 17.66% of Brigadeiro.Finance current Market Cap.

How many members does the Brigadeiro.Finance Telegram channel have?

Brigadeiro.Finance has 84 members on the @brigadeirofinanceglobal Telegram channel, which is 2.33% less than 30 days ago.

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