Global Adversity Project GAP
Quick Info
Global Adversity Project (GAP) is a yield-generating charitable cryptocurrency that runs on the Binance Smart Network. It rewards holders by providing them ‘interest’ on their investment through the contract transaction tax, offering an incentive for investors to hold, rather then participating in day-trading events. It's charitable ventures support individuals who have mental, physical or intellectual disabilities.
Key Metrics
- Price
- <$0.000000000001
- Volume (24h)
- -
- Market Cap
- $24,696.69
- Fully Diluted Market Cap
- $41,319.54
- Circulating Supply
- 59,770T GAP
- Total Supply
- 100,000T GAP
- Trading Start
- 4 years ago
About Global Adversity Project
What is the price of Global Adversity Project today?
One Global Adversity Project coin can currently be purchased for approximately <$0.000000000001.
What is Global Adversity Project smart contract address?
Global Adversity Project official smart contract address is 0x62613F4b4F7600C7C0F16c97Aefc29c8A2CA524F.
What is Global Adversity Project official website?
The official website of Global Adversity Project is www.globaladversity.org.
What is the Global Adversity Project Market Cap today?
Global Adversity Project Market Cap is $24,696.69 today.
How much money is in Global Adversity Project Liquidity Pool?
There is $15,322.36 in - Global Adversity Project liquidity pools. That's approximately 62.04% of Global Adversity Project current Market Cap.
How many members does the Global Adversity Project Telegram channel have?
Global Adversity Project has 98 members on the @gapbsc Telegram channel, which is 2.00% less than 30 days ago.
How many members does the Global Adversity Project Discord server have?
There are 128 members on Global Adversity Project Discord Server, which is the same as 30 days ago.
How many subscribers are there on Global Adversity Project Reddit?
Global Adversity Project has 37 subscribers on /r/gapbsc subreddit, which is 0.00% more than 30 days ago.