evergreen Token EGT
(24h: +0.00%)
Market Cap
Quick Info
Evergreen token is the world first defi project to combine crypto and the environment through planting of trees.
Key Metrics
- Price
- <$0.000000000001
- Volume (24h)
- -
- Market Cap
- $226.6441
Min / Max
- Fully Diluted Market Cap
- $369.0305
- Circulating Supply
- 61,416T EGT
- Total Supply
- 100,000T EGT
- Trading Start
- 3 years ago
Telegram Members
About evergreen Token
What is the price of evergreen Token today?
One evergreen Token coin can currently be purchased for approximately <$0.000000000001.
What is evergreen Token smart contract address?
evergreen Token official smart contract address is 0xa865c6CC3A6164c3a0188efEED6F32ABa134693c.
What is evergreen Token official website?
The official website of evergreen Token is www.evergreentokens.org.
What is the evergreen Token Market Cap today?
evergreen Token Market Cap is $226.6441 today.
How much money is in evergreen Token Liquidity Pool?
There is $0.0920 in - evergreen Token liquidity pools. That's approximately 0.04% of evergreen Token current Market Cap.
How many members does the evergreen Token Telegram channel have?
evergreen Token has 943 members on the @evergreentokengroup Telegram channel, which is 2.78% less than 30 days ago.