SavePlanetEarth v2

SavePlanetEarth v2 SPE

BNB Chain:0x5A4f...6A37
(24h: +0.00%)
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Quick Info

Save Planet Earth has various carbon sequestration initiatives worldwide, including approval of the planting of over a billion trees, initiatives in solar, hydro, wind, beach & ocean clean-up, recycling, waste management, and improving rural technologies. For all these initiatives, Save Planet Earth receives certified carbon credits which can then be sold to individuals and companies who wish to offset their carbon footprint. SPEPad, launchpad for SPE holders in progress.

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Key Metrics

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Volume (24h)
Market Cap
Fully Diluted Market Cap
Circulating Supply
592,443,207 SPE
Total Supply
1,000,000,000 SPE
Trading Start
3 years ago


Verified Liquidity
% of Market Cap

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About SavePlanetEarth v2


What is the price of SavePlanetEarth v2 today?

One SavePlanetEarth v2 coin can currently be purchased for approximately $0.000004943886.

What is SavePlanetEarth v2 smart contract address?

SavePlanetEarth v2 official smart contract address is 0x5A4f765476Fd1BF010783B47a25CbF10974e6A37.

What is SavePlanetEarth v2 official website?

The official website of SavePlanetEarth v2 is

What is the SavePlanetEarth v2 Market Cap today?

SavePlanetEarth v2 Market Cap is $2,928.97 today.

How much money is in SavePlanetEarth v2 Liquidity Pool?

There is $0.6530 in - SavePlanetEarth v2 liquidity pools. That's approximately 0.02% of SavePlanetEarth v2 current Market Cap.

How many members does the SavePlanetEarth v2 Telegram channel have?

SavePlanetEarth v2 has 1,269 members on the @saveplanetearthannouncements Telegram channel, which is 2.68% less than 30 days ago.

SavePlanetEarth v2 has 4,367 members on the @saveplanetearthofficial Telegram channel, which is 0.80% less than 30 days ago.

How many members does the SavePlanetEarth v2 Discord server have?

There are 5,407 members on SavePlanetEarth v2 Discord Server, which is 0.31% less than 30 days ago.

How many subscribers are there on SavePlanetEarth v2 Reddit?

SavePlanetEarth v2 has 2,941 subscribers on /r/speofficial subreddit, which is 0.00% more than 30 days ago.

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