From Scam to Success: DaoMaker Revived Logan Paul’s DegenZoo in 30 Days!

Mocking of Logan Paul transformed into a whole NFT game release within 30 days. Recently released charity-oriented project Degen Zoo has gained mass attention on Twitter.
A new wave of hype has hit Twitter as the founder of DAO Maker, Christoph Zaknun decided to revive Logan Paul's abandoned project Crypto Zoo. The recently emerging project is called Degen Zoo and is supposed to increase awareness of the destructive effects that capitalism has on wildlife. Players mint NFT animals for DZOO tokens and are ultimately forced to kill them, simulating the destructive effects.
- DAO Maker founder Christoph Zaknun has taken over Logans Crypto Zoo in a charitable NFT game Degen Zoo
- Degen Zoo was completed from idea to finish in under 30 days
- The project focuses on increasing the awareness of destructive effects capitalist society has on endangered animal species
- All profits are donated to endangered animal charity funds
- In the game, players can hatch NFT animals and evolve them for a wanted set of characteristics
How the idea originated?
It all started with Logan's NFT project Crypto Zoo. In 2021 Logan started to promote the Crypto Zoo project in his podcast and social media. Many people acted on this and preliminarily invested in tokens of the yet-to-be-built Crypto Zoo platform.
As of this time, no Crypto Zoo platform has been built, apart from the token that most people lost money on. Logan Paul is now facing anger and even lawsuits from the investors.
This is the time when Degen Zoo steps in. Christoph Zaknun, the DAO Maker founder in a reaction to this whole situation wanted to prove that crypto projects can be built very quickly and therefore expose Logan as a fraud.
From Idea to Launch in Just 30 Days
The 30-day time period definitely was a challenging one. Christoph Zaknun partnered with a team of developers and marketers to make sure is efficient enough. The whole journey was documented on Twitter and Telegram, where Degen Zoo gained a massive following within just a few days.
.@LoganPaul is full of shit.
— Chris Zaknun (@czdaomaker) January 6, 2023
It takes 30 days to build CryptoZoo
To prove that I will build: CryptoPoo $POO in less.
Profits will be used for legal expenses of Coffee/Victims
Follow all the steps along :D All will be shared in the comments below 👇
What initially started as a joke now had a community of followers. In this context, the team decided to take on a more serious approach and make Degen Zoo a full-on crypto project. Most of the time (over 20 days) was spent on projecting the principles and planning out the project. The team used Game theory to make sure the project has a sustainable way of working and does not overinflate to death.
By the end of the 30th day, just a few hours before the limit, the first version of Degen Zoo was uploaded on the Goerli testnet. With fully working smart contracts and all front-end features, Christoph Zaknun and his team actually managed to complete the project in under 30 days.
How does the game work?
Simply put, the game is about collecting animals in the form of NFTs. The native token of the project is DZOO, which, when staked, can produce animal Eggs. There is a finite number of Eggs in the game. These Eggs are distributed to DZOO stakers based on their staked amount, while the distribution rate is decreasing every 90 days.
Animal NFTs
One of a hundred possible animals will hatch from each Egg. Each animal possesses a set of unique characteristics, determining their value in DZOO. Animals, which are endangered have a higher rarity and therefore are worth more DZOO.
Animals can be evolved to achieve higher level and boost their characteristics. The evolution is done by feeding one animal to another, while the stronger animal levels up and produces more DZOO.
One of the important characteristics that the animal NFTs have is their lifespan. The lifespan can range from 25 up to 400 days. When the lifetime of an animal finishes, the players are forced to burn the NFT, essentially killing the animal. This killing releases the locked DZOO from the animal, which players can use again freely.
Meaningful impact on Wildlife
The team's goal was to create a project that could make a positive impact on the world. As a result, they chose to donate all proceeds to charities focused on endangered animals. Initially, the idea may have been seen as a joke, but the hope is that it will raise awareness of the negative effects of greed and capitalist society on threatened animal species.
Through the act of burning the NFTs, and thus symbolically "killing" the animal, players are encouraged to consider the impact of their actions on wildlife.