
Heroes&Empires HE

BNB Chain:0x20D3...9Ed8
(24h: +3.26%)
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Quick Info

Heroes & Empires is a strategy game that combines the distinctive elements of Idle RPG and the tactics of auto chess, connected with blockchain technology. By taking advantage of the Non-Fungible Token (NFT) characteristic to create characters and items.

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Volume (24h)
Market Cap
Fully Diluted Market Cap
Circulating Supply
314,914,005 HE
Total Supply
1,000,000,000 HE
Trading Start
3 years ago

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About Heroes&Empires


What is the price of Heroes&Empires today?

One Heroes&Empires coin can currently be purchased for approximately $0.00015348.

What is Heroes&Empires smart contract address?

Heroes&Empires official smart contract address is 0x20D39a5130F799b95B55a930E5b7eBC589eA9Ed8.

What is Heroes&Empires official website?

The official website of Heroes&Empires is

What is the Heroes&Empires Market Cap today?

Heroes&Empires Market Cap is $48,333.34 today.

What's the last 24h Heroes&Empires trading volume?

Trading volume of Heroes&Empires in the last 24h was $0.0702, which is approximately 0.00% of its current market cap.

How much money is in Heroes&Empires Liquidity Pool?

There is $34.4065 in - Heroes&Empires liquidity pools. That's approximately 0.07% of Heroes&Empires current Market Cap.

How many members does the Heroes&Empires Telegram channel have?

Heroes&Empires has 9,679 members on the @heroesempires Telegram channel, which is 1.60% less than 30 days ago.

Heroes&Empires has 5,369 members on the @heroesempires_en Telegram channel, which is 2.68% less than 30 days ago.

How many members does the Heroes&Empires Discord server have?

There are 37,170 members on Heroes&Empires Discord Server, which is 0.02% less than 30 days ago.

How many subscribers are there on Heroes&Empires Reddit?

Heroes&Empires has 3,959 subscribers on /r/heroesempires subreddit, which is 0.00% more than 30 days ago.

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