SparkPoint Fuel

SparkPoint Fuel SFUEL

BNB Chain:0x37Ac...976f
(24h: +26.61%)
Market Cap
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Quick Info

SparkDeFi is a governance token-based DeFi platform that empowers individuals to unlock the true value of their cryptocurrency assets. It is a full-service decentralized finance solution that combines a decentralized exchange (SparkSwap), liquidity and pool-based staking (SparkStake), P2P lending and borrowing (SparkLend), and DeFi assets protocols management (SparkDash) in a seamless, transparent, secure, inclusive, and interoperable platform.

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Key Metrics

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Volume (24h)
Market Cap
Fully Diluted Market Cap
Circulating Supply
149,999,892 SFUEL
Total Supply
150,000,000 SFUEL
Trading Start
4 years ago

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About SparkPoint Fuel


What is the price of SparkPoint Fuel today?

One SparkPoint Fuel coin can currently be purchased for approximately $0.00001529.

What is SparkPoint Fuel smart contract address?

SparkPoint Fuel official smart contract address is 0x37Ac4D6140e54304D77437A5c11924f61a2D976f.

What is SparkPoint Fuel official website?

The official website of SparkPoint Fuel is

What is the SparkPoint Fuel Market Cap today?

SparkPoint Fuel Market Cap is $2,294.19 today.

What's the last 24h SparkPoint Fuel trading volume?

Trading volume of SparkPoint Fuel in the last 24h was $61.6369, which is approximately 2.70% of its current market cap.

How much money is in SparkPoint Fuel Liquidity Pool?

There is $71.3180 in - SparkPoint Fuel liquidity pools. That's approximately 3.11% of SparkPoint Fuel current Market Cap.

How many members does the SparkPoint Fuel Telegram channel have?

SparkPoint Fuel has 2,880 members on the @sparkdefi Telegram channel, which is 3.29% less than 30 days ago.

SparkPoint Fuel has 211 members on the @sparkdefiofficial Telegram channel, which is 0.47% less than 30 days ago.

How many subscribers are there on SparkPoint Fuel Reddit?

SparkPoint Fuel has 3,353 subscribers on /r/sparkpoint subreddit, which is 0.00% more than 30 days ago.

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