Smaugs NFT

Smaugs NFT SMG

BNB Chain:0x6bfd...4C16
(24h: +0.00%)
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Quick Info

NFT Marketplace token to buy and sell NFT digital assets.

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Volume (24h)
Market Cap
Fully Diluted Market Cap
Circulating Supply
69,919,986 SMG
Total Supply
84,960,000 SMG
Trading Start
4 years ago

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About Smaugs NFT


What is the price of Smaugs NFT today?

One Smaugs NFT coin can currently be purchased for approximately $0.00002812.

What is Smaugs NFT smart contract address?

Smaugs NFT official smart contract address is 0x6bfd576220e8444CA4Cc5f89Efbd7f02a4C94C16.

What is Smaugs NFT official website?

The official website of Smaugs NFT is

What is the Smaugs NFT Market Cap today?

Smaugs NFT Market Cap is $1,966.23 today.

How much money is in Smaugs NFT Liquidity Pool?

There is $150.1698 in - Smaugs NFT liquidity pools. That's approximately 7.64% of Smaugs NFT current Market Cap.

How many members does the Smaugs NFT Telegram channel have?

Smaugs NFT has 4,409 members on the @smaugscommunity Telegram channel, which is 0.18% less than 30 days ago.

Smaugs NFT has 19 members on the @smaugsnfts Telegram channel, which is 5.00% less than 30 days ago.

How many subscribers are there on Smaugs NFT Reddit?

Smaugs NFT has 136 subscribers on /r/smaugscommunity subreddit, which is 0.00% more than 30 days ago.

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