Mogul Stars

Mogul Stars STARS

BNB Chain:0xbD83...6f9a
(24h: +0.00%)
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Quick Info

Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing (DeFi) and movie-based NFT platform that connects creators, movie fans, and film financiers in one space to ensure the best films get made by giving everyone a voice. By leveraging blockchain technology, NFTs and a tokenized system, Mogul incentivizes participation and rewards engagement. Using the Mogul in-app payment and utility token (STARS), users can vote on, greenlight and participate in key decision-making aspects of production.

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Key Metrics

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Volume (24h)
Market Cap
Fully Diluted Market Cap
Circulating Supply
333,231,142 STARS
Total Supply
333,231,817 STARS
Trading Start
4 years ago

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About Mogul Stars


What is the price of Mogul Stars today?

One Mogul Stars coin can currently be purchased for approximately $0.00002632.

What is Mogul Stars smart contract address?

Mogul Stars official smart contract address is 0xbD83010eB60F12112908774998F65761cf9f6f9a.

What is Mogul Stars official website?

The official website of Mogul Stars is

What is the Mogul Stars Market Cap today?

Mogul Stars Market Cap is $8,771.43 today.

How much money is in Mogul Stars Liquidity Pool?

There is $2,401.41 in - Mogul Stars liquidity pools. That's approximately 27.38% of Mogul Stars current Market Cap.

How many members does the Mogul Stars Telegram channel have?

Mogul Stars has 48,066 members on the @mogulproductions Telegram channel, which is 5.30% less than 30 days ago.

How many members does the Mogul Stars Discord server have?

There are 24,563 members on Mogul Stars Discord Server, which is 0.73% less than 30 days ago.

How many subscribers are there on Mogul Stars Reddit?

Mogul Stars has 425 subscribers on /r/mogulproductions subreddit, which is 0.00% more than 30 days ago.

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