PAR Stablecoin

PAR Stablecoin PAR

(24h: +2.73%)
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Quick Info

PAR is introduced to the market as the first stable token algorithmically pegged to the Euro (€), offering investors for the first time the possibility to acquire a token in the native currency of the European Community countries. PAR token holders will be able to place their tokens in liquidity pools to obtain attractive returns within the MIMO Decentralized Finance Platform.

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Key Metrics

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Volume (24h)
Market Cap
Fully Diluted Market Cap
Circulating Supply
4,408,344 PAR
Total Supply
4,408,344 PAR
Trading Start
4 years ago

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About PAR Stablecoin


What is the price of PAR Stablecoin today?

One PAR Stablecoin coin can currently be purchased for approximately $1.0098.

What is PAR Stablecoin smart contract address?

PAR Stablecoin official smart contract address is 0x68037790A0229e9Ce6EaA8A99ea92964106C4703.

What is PAR Stablecoin official website?

The official website of PAR Stablecoin is

What is the PAR Stablecoin Market Cap today?

PAR Stablecoin Market Cap is $4,451,503 today.

What's the last 24h PAR Stablecoin trading volume?

Trading volume of PAR Stablecoin in the last 24h was $60,265.96, which is approximately 1.40% of its current market cap. That means PAR Stablecoin has had relatively low trading activity in the past day.

How much money is in PAR Stablecoin Liquidity Pool?

There is $203,819 in - PAR Stablecoin liquidity pools. That's approximately 4.58% of PAR Stablecoin current Market Cap.

How many members does the PAR Stablecoin Telegram channel have?

PAR Stablecoin has 1,968 members on the @mimodefi Telegram channel, which is 2.38% less than 30 days ago.

PAR Stablecoin has 3,517 members on the @mimo_labs Telegram channel, which is 0.11% less than 30 days ago.

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