
Chain XCN

(24h: -4.63%)
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Quick Info

Chain is a cloud blockchain infrastructure that enables organizations to build better financial services from the ground up. Chain has launched Chain Core which is a permissioned and open source blockchain and Sequence, its ledger as a service product. Clients can receive discounts and pay for commercial fees with Chain Tokens (XCN) as well as participate in community protocol governance and access to premium features.

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Key Metrics

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Volume (24h)
Market Cap
Fully Diluted Market Cap
Circulating Supply
53,402,437,327 XCN
Total Supply
68,892,071,757 XCN
Trading Start
3 years ago

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About Chain


What is the price of Chain today?

One Chain coin can currently be purchased for approximately $0.0221.

What is Chain smart contract address?

Chain official smart contract address is 0xA2cd3D43c775978A96BdBf12d733D5A1ED94fb18.

What is Chain official website?

The official website of Chain is

What is the Chain Market Cap today?

Chain Market Cap is $1,178,611,663 today.

What's the last 24h Chain trading volume?

Trading volume of Chain in the last 24h was $1,164,497, which is approximately 0.10% of its current market cap. That means Chain has had relatively low trading activity in the past day.

How much money is in Chain Liquidity Pool?

There is $1,164,778 in - Chain liquidity pools. That's approximately 0.10% of Chain current Market Cap.

How many members does the Chain Telegram channel have?

Chain has 35,694 members on the @chain Telegram channel, which is 25.56% more than 30 days ago.

Chain has 23,553 members on the @chainannouncements Telegram channel, which is 300.15% more than 30 days ago.

Chain has 11,560 members on the @onyxannouncements Telegram channel, which is 846.76% more than 30 days ago.

Chain has 18,179 members on the @onyxorg Telegram channel, which is 177.67% more than 30 days ago.

How many members does the Chain Discord server have?

There are 6,606 members on Chain Discord Server, which is 0.06% less than 30 days ago.

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