
Auras ARS

BNB Chain:0x05a0...1d1F
(24h: +0.00%)
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Quick Info

ARS, a new liquidity token built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Our mission is to transform the way we transfer value by leveraging blockchain technology to create a decentralized online business. With a total supply of 2 quadrillion ARS behind this project 5 projects related to AI and digital products.

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Fully Diluted Market Cap
Circulating Supply
1759T ARS
Total Supply
2000T ARS
Trading Start
1 year ago

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About Auras

Auras token is a new liquidity token built on BSC network with total supply 2000Tour token projects is 5 main projects that specialized is AI , Ecommerce and digital products whishes 3 of projects already established , our token has been audited and KYC verified , token goals in Q2 : Develop partnership with merchants  accept Auras token as form  of payment , marketing and build strong community   , Q3  get CEX listed , Q4 Develop Auras AI , all 5 project will be funded from our company Auras Investment ltd      


What is the price of Auras today?

One Auras coin can currently be purchased for approximately $0.000000000039.

What is Auras smart contract address?

Auras official smart contract address is 0x05a0E3f9ca0394f9C83DC2b47D1FD3807Cc51d1F.

What is Auras official website?

The official website of Auras is

What is the Auras Market Cap today?

Auras Market Cap is $68,269.87 today.

How much money is in Auras Liquidity Pool?

There is $2,099.12 in - Auras liquidity pools. That's approximately 3.07% of Auras current Market Cap.

How many members does the Auras Telegram channel have?

Auras has 464 members on the @arstoken Telegram channel, which is 3.13% less than 30 days ago.

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