Quick Info
Slothi is a Deflationary token 13% slipp (5% holder 4% Burn 4%LP Fee)we are a community token, which was created by a strong community. We are pulling the project with voting in the community! here it is not the team that decides, but the investors.
Key Metrics
- Price
- $0.000000000043
- Volume (24h)
- -
- Market Cap
- $29,408.53
- Fully Diluted Market Cap
- $42,793.72
- Circulating Supply
- 687T SLTH
- Total Supply
- 1000T SLTH
- Trading Start
- 4 years ago
What is the price of SLOTHI today?
One SLOTHI coin can currently be purchased for approximately $0.000000000043.
What is SLOTHI smart contract address?
SLOTHI official smart contract address is 0x5B9dbeBbad94b8C6467Af9e8A851Bb120F9601c6.
What is SLOTHI official website?
The official website of SLOTHI is slothi.net.
What is the SLOTHI Market Cap today?
SLOTHI Market Cap is $29,408.53 today.
How much money is in SLOTHI Liquidity Pool?
There is $48.5386 in - SLOTHI liquidity pools. That's approximately 0.17% of SLOTHI current Market Cap.
How many members does the SLOTHI Telegram channel have?
SLOTHI has 0 members on the @slothitoken Telegram channel, which is 0.00% more than 30 days ago.
How many subscribers are there on SLOTHI Reddit?
SLOTHI has 1,115 subscribers on /r/slothi_official subreddit, which is 0.00% more than 30 days ago.